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Meet the New SA Officers!

Shirin Kaye

Updated: Sep 18, 2022

By Shirin Kaye


In March, the students, faculty, and staff of Jack Barrack Hebrew Academy elected four new officers to the Student Association (SA) for the 2020-2021 school year. Daniel Bernstein ‘21 is the new President of SA. He is responsible for leading regular SA meetings, in which SA representatives from each grade and any students who want to attend discuss topics such as new policies and school-wide activities. Jory Hirshman ‘21 was elected SA Vice President. His responsibilities include substituting for the president when he is absent and also working with the Derech Eretz Council. The new SA Treasurer is Zachary Ufberg ‘21. His job is to oversee sales and manage SA’s money. Anita Hoffman ‘21, the new SA Secretary, is responsible for taking detailed notes at SA meetings, sending communications, and planning school activities with the rest of SA. The Chronicle asked our school’s new leaders a few questions about their upcoming year in office. The school community wishes them luck in their leadership!

Chronicle: Why did you choose to run for your position?

Daniel Bernstein: I see that so many people in the school have great ideas about improving Barrack and I thought I could help actually make them happen. I have also loved being involved in SA since middle school and thought it would be really cool to be an officer.

Jory Hirshman: I felt it was a great step after having been VP for the 11th grade. I love to lead and help others, so this role gives me the opportunity to continue doing so.

Zach Ufberg: I love being a leader in this school. It also gives me the opportunity to use my organizational skills.

Anita Hoffman: Ever since sixth grade, I have always looked up to the SA officers of our community. My dad was part of SA when he went to Akiba, and I always found every student to be very inspiring. I have been my grade’s secretary for the past three years, so I wanted to become SA Secretary to help and teach younger students, like past alumni have done for me.

C: What are you looking forward to and what challenges do you expect to encounter during your time in the executive office?

DB: Our biggest challenge is doing things while we are not actually in school. This is not how we expected our SA experience to begin, but we will make the best of it. I am excited to plan things to bring our community together and make Distance Learning more fun.

JH: Some of the current challenges will be implementing and creating activities for the school, despite our not being in school physically; we have to create online platforms and communicate with everyone virtually. However, some of the exciting things that I anticipate are the new, fun online programs and activities - - like the Pesach cookbook and fitness challenges - - that we are hoping will help bring the school together.

ZU: Moving from grade officer to SA officer, it will be more difficult to raise money for the entire school. However, I am looking forward to creating multiple fun activities throughout the school year.

AH: I am excited to help students feel heard, but, during this time of quarantine, I know that some challenges will come up. I am nervous that it will be hard to keep a strong community! However, I am eager for all of the plans that the officers have to maintain community bonds.

C: What is one project you will work on in the coming year?

DB: I hope to set up more avenues for students and teachers to voice their comments. Whether it is through email surveys or town halls, I think it will be a good way for us to find out how we can best help everyone.

JH: I am excited to improve the homework policy and the ability to earn credit for work. We still have to make it better, but the hope is to have it up and running by next year.

ZU: I will continue to advocate for students by attempting to implement the Maman System (lowering work load).

AH: I hope to work on the homework policy.

C: What is one lesser-known fact about yourself?

DB: I can break an apple in half with my hands!

JH: I am ranked in Pennsylvania for track and field/hurdling.

ZU: I will be a 12-season athlete at Barrack and love making friends through sports.

AH: I have a younger brother named Jared at AIM Academy and a sister named Vivienne at Perelman Jewish Day School.


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