Eliana Weinstein
Staff Writer

In any season, its nice to visit Israel for the delicious food, fun people, and relaxing environment. It has been a long school year, and as a junior, it is no secret that the workload at Barrack can be very rigorous. However, as someone who attended Alexander Muss High School in Israel, it is also no secret that this school year has been meaningful and full of appreciation for the Jewish homeland. The junior class made many memories this year, like dancing in the streets of Jerusalem, singing in caves, and swimming in the Dead Sea, to name a few. Since we miss the times, it is no shock that I, along with many juniors, will return to the beautiful place we would so desperately like to call home.
Muss inspired me to continue practicing my love of Israel because of its interesting tiyulim, and continuous hands on learning. This inspiration makes me incredibly excited to be attending Ramah Israel Seminar this coming summer. Although some tiyulim might be the same as Muss, I am ready to embark on new terrain. For example, I will be doing Gadna, a four-day mock Israeli army experience. I am looking forward to this experience to have a sample of the perseverance and grit that Israeli army members carry with them through the challenges of their service. If you are going to Israel this summer, I hope you, too, have things you look forward to. Safe travels!